Keith and Paul recently conducted a firearms testing session at the range. As part of this exercise, they invited Linda, a new shooter, to try out the new MC 14T pistol from Girsan. Linda was pleasantly surprised at how easy the gun was to use, especially given her limited hand strength. During the shooting session, Linda learned how to operate the firearm in simple steps. Overall, the EAA team successfully demonstrated the features and benefits of the MC 14T pistol to their guest shooter, helping her become more comfortable with the weapon.
I am interested in purchasing the MC 14 T, but I’m having difficulty locating a gun shop that can get one. I live in the Atlanta area but often travel to Miami and or Greenville South Carolina. Would you be able to find me a place that can order one for me? Keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi Tracy, thanks for reaching out. We appreciate your interest on our MC14 T Pistol. You may ask your local dealer to order from any of our distributors listed when you click on the How To Buy button. There are also options online through and Gallery of Guns
I would buy a 9mm version of this now!
Where can I find gold plated mc 14t tip up gun?
Hi William, this model is not shipping yet. Please stay tuned to our social media we will be announcing once it does
will the 14 fit a Beretta 86 holster?
Comparable holsters
Are there future plans to have the T14 slide optic (red dot) ready
Stay tuned for new configurations that will be available with the MC14 T Series
I have a Beretta 84 with a 13 round magazine. Will the Beretta 84 magazine function properly with the EAA MC14T? Also, do .380 hollow point bullets feed well in this gun?
Hi Gary, it should work with compatible third party magazines and hollow points without an issue.
Will the T14 come with a tem round magazine to be state of Maryland compliant?
They will be available with 13 rounds magazines for now